(631) 707-3780 office@taneraydinmd.com

Babylon, NY

Taner Aydin, MD

Psychiatrist office in Babylon, NY serving Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York City, Fire Island and the Hamptons. Offering flexible in-person and telehealth mental health services.

Dr. Taner Aydin

Dr. Aydin is a Hofstra/Northwell and Mount Sinai trained psychiatrist. In addition to seeing patients at his private practice, he is an Attending Psychiatrist for the Northwell Health system where he enjoys teaching medical and physician assistant students and resident physicians.

He has presented at national conferences, has taught several courses, and has worked in numerous settings with patient populations of all ages and backgrounds.

Dr. Aydin values a collaborative, evidence-based, individualized treatment approach, utilizing medication management, psychotherapy, and innovative treatments.

Dr. Aydin does not believe in a one-size-fits-all practice of medicine and will work with you to find solutions that meet your unique needs.

Babylon Office

Address & Hours

400 W Main St #109
Babylon, NY 11702
(631) 707-3780

Monday to Thursday
9:00am to 5:00pm

9:00am to 3:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Babylon, NY

Taner Aydin, MD

Office Hours

Mon - Thurs: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 3pm
Sat & Sun: Closed


400 W Main St #109
Babylon, NY 11702

Copyright © 2024 Taner Aydin, MD